GLOBAL EMERGENCY ALERT: - Earth’s crust cracking, breaking loose from upper mantle. Prepare for faster than normal Earth spin. Days shortening. Gravity decreasing. Updates to follow. -
UPDATE (GLOBAL): - Plan to reduce Earth spin to be implemented by providing sufficient frictional counter spin. -
UPDATE (GLOBAL): - Daily, 12:00 pm local, anyone with a vehicle, face 90° East, accelerate for 4.5 seconds. -
UPDATE (AMERICA ONLY): - 4.5 seconds only. -
UPDATE (AMERICA ONLY): - You’re completely overdoing it. -
UPDATE (AMERICA ONLY): - Guys, this isn’t The Fast and the Furious. Freaking chill. -
UPDATE (AMERICA ONLY): - Ok… We’re spinning backwards now. Happy? -
UPDATE (GLOBAL): - 🇺🇸 🙄 -